Huge Interest for Multi Protocol Transponder FCX10G und Alarm-/ Telemetry Controller ISAD
Thank you very much for visiting arcutronix and a lot of very interesting discussions!
This year we have again focused our main attention to the customer and not to the exposed technique! Every customer was received in a convenient and quiet atmosphere and could discuss his points and see the arcutronix solutions. The visitor congestion was surprising high and a lot of visitors where coming to us with clearly defined questions and requirements.
Our new 10G multi protocol transponders FCX10G and FCX10G2 were in the particular focus of the visitors’ interest. The FCX10G2 with its doubled number of channels and compact 3RU design offers a worldwide unique channel packing factor for all 10G applications.
The importance of supervision of unmanned equipment nodes increases rapidly. All visitors agreed that the alarm and telemetry controller ISAD is the optimized solution for this purpose. And due to its outdoor capability the EDX1000 family fits perfectly into this net concept as well.
Let’s stay in contact, it‘s worth!